
I have taught yoga, Pilates, and dance classes in studios, clinics, and schools in Los Angeles, New York, and London, England for over 20 years. I have been in private practice as Body Intelligence since 2005. My clients and students have included dancers, athletes, actors, those with illness and injury, the elderly, teachers in training, and those engaged in the life-long pursuit of learning about themselves.

My practice is informed by years as a competitive athlete and professional dancer, actor, and choreographer. I have also written extensively about the body as a site of creativity during my time as a dance critic and academic. I still work with movement artists as a director, dramaturg, and consultant.


BA, Theatre Arts and Dance, University of California Riverside

MA, Performance Studies and Choreography, Middlesex University

MFA Program, Theatre, California Institute of the Arts

Certifications/Teacher Training Programs

Pilates Institute of America: Contemporary Pilates

Balanced Body: Contemporary Pilates/Kinesiology

Body Tonic and Power Pilates: Classical Pilates

Abhyasa Yoga Center: Yoga Therapy/Viniyoga

Irene Dowd and Leslie Powell among others: Experiential Anatomy/Biomechanics

Rey Allen and Michael Polon: Dermoneuromodulation/Pain Science

Will LeBlanc: Yin Yoga

Shawn Harrison: Meditation and Mindfulness Practice

Consulting Mentors

Horacio Kaufmann MD: Dysautonomia, neurology and movement

Marsha Greenberg LMSW: Body dysmorphia, eating disorders, anxiety, and depression. Pre and postnatal physiology and psychology

Rey Allen DNM Practitioner, Certified Advanced Rolfer: Dermoneuromodulation, pain science

Shawn Harrison: Meditation and MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)


“I had a paralyzing illness forty years ago and have been working to regain my mobility ever since. Since beginning work with Cory I am making the best progress of my life. She has a deep understanding of muscles and the connection to the brain. Her treatment modalities are personalized based on her keen observation of the muscles. I am thrilled to be working with her and with the progress we are making!”
—Carla Lesh, PhD

"A year ago I could not walk a block without debilitating back pain. I toured the offices of top professionals throughout Manhattan--trying to assemble an expert team that would put me on the road to free movement again. There were orthopedists, physiologists, palliative care managers, personal trainers, message therapists, holistic medical practitioners, and maybe a dozen Pilates “experts.“ “Nothing can be done,” everyone said -- except a surgeon who recommended a procedure that was intensely invasive, risky, and unlikely to work. Enter Cory—who has studied and synthesized all the knowledge my “team” had acquired, and also had the people skills to help me feel safe, seen, and heard. She also has the perseverance to not quit or allow other people to give up on themselves. We got to work. Cory designed what might be called a highly customized personal choreographic regime, which I practice daily. I walk without worry now, pain down, head up. Cory gave me my body back – and with it renewed confidence and hope. She is a one-stop solution for physical salvation."
—Susan Ferris, Foundation President

"I have been working with Cory for 7 years. She has rehabilitated me through a knee injury, worked with me on stress management, and continues to guide me through my Pilates and yoga practice. Her approach to our work is focused and precise. She creates an atmosphere that strikes the perfect balance between calm and enthusiasm. She is fabulous, the best!"
Horacio Kaufmann MD, Professor of Neurology, Medicine and Pediatrics, Felicia B. Axelrod Professor of Dysautonomia Research

"I have studied Pilates for more than two decades with some of the best trainers that NYC has to offer. Cory has managed to integrate the most important principles of the technique with her vast knowledge of how the body works and what is needed to maintain its wellness, creating an experience that is as challenging as it is inspirational. A strong believer in the benefits of Pilates, I am thrilled to be able to work with Cory who has taken the technique out of the box and to a new level that keeps you enthused about the practice."
—Robin Staff, Executive Director, Dancenow/NYC

"I am quite a different person thanks to Cory's classes. Every class is different and monitored to each of our needs. My chronic back pain has long gone; and as I learn how my body works in particular, I have lost weight, gained strength, and inner confidence that I had lacked. I have found great inspiration and kindness in this class. If Cory had a cult, I would join it."
Edwina White, professional artist and illustrator

"Since beginning my studies with Cory, I have become a much more intelligent mover. I learned how to pay close attention to my mind-body connection and nervous system as a guide for efficient movement. As a result, I have gradually shed my old movement habits–my exoskeleton–to rebuild my body from the inside-out. Cory is a very gifted teacher and I greatly enjoy each session, and recommend movers of all kinds to study with her!"
—Mariam Dingilian, Choreographer

"Cory is the best teacher I have ever worked with, and I have worked with several. I call her a great teacher because she is not an instructor with a preset program but she creates a new class plan each session that changes depending on each participant's needs and capabilities. She's always sensitive to your limits. She helps you to energize yourself. She can see what the body is capable of. While each class feels fresh (and just what you needed at that point in your development), it's not like you're having to learn new dance steps each time either: there's a continuity from class to class. Her demeanor, beautiful voice, and infectious laughter are a pleasure and joy, even when she's pushing you beyond where you thought you could go. Her equanimity with all is grace. She's a great teacher! (Along with being a choreographer, performer, writer, critic, videographer and oenophile- i.e. lover of life.)"
—Lyn Solomon, Psychotherapist, Arts Therapist, Artist

"Cory is calm, nurturing and encouraging. She listens to you, and at the same time pushes you beyond your comfort zone. I have a lot of body image issues and Cory makes me feel comfortable and at ease. I’ve seen a noticeable improvement in my muscle definition, core strength and flexibility because of regular sessions with Cory."
—Tammy Parrish, Independent Fundraising Consultant

"Cory, You are a phenomenal teacher with the ability to personalize your classes in meeting the various needs of your students. Your vitality, enthusiasm, great wit, knowledge and encouragement have made your classes a real treat! I am so happy that you are able to come to Pennsylvania!!!"
—Kathy Calabrese, Director of Education, Lehigh Valley University

"Cory is amazing! She remembers what hurts, what I can do, what I struggle with, and what my goals are, even if we haven’t been together for several weeks, I always feel as if I am her only client. She makes me work hard, and often knows before I do when it is time to ease up. In other one-on-one sessions, I didn’t feel I had the instructor’s full attention but Cory’s attention to our time together is 100% focused on making my body look and feel better. I’ve looked for a Pilates instructor for many months in NYC, and now that I met Cory, my search is over."
—Susan Berman, Senior Vice President, Mall Properties Inc.

"Pilates with Cory Nakasue is like an elixir for the body."
—Wendy Walker, Psychotherapist

"I turned 60 shortly after I started working with Cory. She has helped me feel stronger than I could have ever imagined at this point of my life. She is so detailed as she helps me align my body and work my core in a way that has given me a good start to a healthier journey into my next decade. I think she’s amazing!"
—Marsha Greenberg, Psychotherapist, Educator at NYU, and author of Raising Your Toddler

"So looking forward to this class with Cory. Amazing teacher, beautiful space, nice moms and adorable babies!!! What more could you ask for...a pre baby tummy! I know Cory can help with that too. I always leave her classes feeling strong, energized yet relaxed. Cory is a wonderful teacher with great energy who pushes you without over doing it."
—Sarah Bean, school teacher and Mom